Apart from interacting with the user, Billy-Billy was designed to take care of plants and to help them grow.
Every species of plant or herb has its own optimal conditions for growth. Billy-Billy can monitor these conditions by measuring light, the ambient temperature and the humidity of the soil. The inner pot holds information on which plant it contains, so that Billy-Billy can apply the optimal conditions.
Billy-Billy is equipped with several sensors to monitor the condition of the inserted plant
Light sensors
The robot has been equipped with 2 sensors detecting the light intensity. One of them is located in the left eye, and the other one is located at the back. By using 2 sensors, Billy-Billy can be put against a wall or in a cupboard, without affecting the result.

Temperature sensor
The robot has been equipped with a temperature sensor which is located in the nose. This sensor is used to detect the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius.

Soil humidity sensor
Billy-Billy has been equipped with a sensor to detect the moisture of the soil in the inner pot. The openings in the inner pot are there to allow the sensors to measure the humidity of the soil. Due to the nature of the used material (soil), the value cannot be detected immediately, Some time must be allowed to pass in order for the water to penetrate the soil.